I laugh on almost every joke there is. I loudly laugh, when it’s sincere and from the heart and I carry no shame in that.
I sob watching movies and on random acts of kindness.
I even mostly tear up listening to good music and realizing how beautiful this
universe is.
Route 66- Arizona
I don’t shy away from sincerely complimenting people on every single thing that I see and like.
I mostly joke about my flaws, before anybody does.
I usually react without thinking much.
I am genuinely secretive, but when I like you, I foolishly talk too much even about the teeny tiny details.
I don’t really care who texts first, I feel like talking I just do. Life is too freakin short.
Family comes first.
I would kill for my friends.
I don’t believe in skill’s superiority over hard work. Hard work always always always pays off.
Family comes first.
Adulting didn’t suit me, so I found a median and it’s working for me so far
I am proud of the person I am growing to be.
It’s lovely to see yourself through everyone’s eyes, but nobody knows you better than you, so accept and love yourself.
If caring and love ever battled, caring would win.
The hardest part is letting go not taking part.
Twenties is when we grow the most, get confused the most, learn the most.. it’s our emergency exit.
This is just a #notetoself, but if I ever be in a position to give an advice it will always be;
Be kind, period!