I wanna hit the road, wander the Earth, get lost, pour my heart out to a stranger setting next me on a park bench and never meet him again.
I wanna go to places that I can't even pronounce. I wanna touch the hearts of every person I cross paths with.
I wanna listen to the harmonious sound of mother nature, and turn off the voices in my head.
Washington Square Park- NYC
I wanna trust my instincts. I wanna care less and care more. I wanna text less and hand-write letters. I wanna lose internet connection.
I wanna learn the language of what the eyes and cracked smiles have to say.
I wanna listen more and talk less.
I wanna live in a world where rainforests aren't shrinking or fish dying. A world more beautiful than I know is possible.
I never wanna accept what have been offered to me as a normal life by the dominant narrative of my culture.
I wanna know better...
I wanna know love in it's truest, purest forms. I wanna be a beautiful mess. I wanna make the world a better place and the midst of all that.... I wanna find myself!